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Now is your chance to accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior of your life.
Will you do it?

God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him will have eternal life.
  Jesus will give you a cause to live for and a cause to die for!
Your life is worth living!!!!!!

Interview with God

Today is the day of salvation!
He will forgive you of all of your sins and cause you to stand before Him blameless.

Got Jesus?

Salvation Prayer
Lord God I thank you right now for dying for me on the Cross of Calvary. I believe that you died on my behalf. I believe that you took my place on that Cross and I want to thank you for it. I ask you to forgive me of all of my sins. I ask you to cleanse me from all unrighteousness. I realize that I am a sinner in need of a Savior. I accept you Lord Jesus into my heart and into my life right now by faith. I ask you to fill me with your Holy Spirit and help me to live my life for you. I want to deny myself and place you on the throne of my heart. I ask you to heal me from past hurts and failures. Deliver me from my sin. Deliver me from demonic spirits that have kept me from you. In Jesus Name. I confess that Jesus Christ is now my personal Lord and Savior. Amen.

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It doesn't matter what you've done.
Jesus wants to change your life!

Now What?

Now that I'm born again,what do I do next?

You must get to know Jesus. You can do this by reading the Bible (Mathew, Mark, Luke, and John), and by praying sincerely from your heart. Being a Christian is not a bunch of legalized "do's" and "don'ts." God wants you to be the person you are because he created you. You are unique to God. You must develop an intimate personal relationship with Jesus Christ just as you would cultivate an intimate personal friendship.

No one becomes a healthy and strong believer by just sitting at home. You must put yourself into an environment where you can grow. Can you go to school by yourself? Can you start a family by yourself? Can a child raise himself? God never intended people to be solitary creatures. You cannot be a healthy Christian by going at it by yourself. This is why God intended for believers to meet together.

God intends that you become part of a good local church.

A good church:

1. Honors God by honoring His Word. The church you attend should proclaim the Bible (Scriptures) as the Word of God, and should both teach and do what it says. No other books or man's opinion must ever override what God teaches us in His Holy Word. See II Timothy 3:16.

2. Practices love for one another. Jesus said the world would know us because of our love for one another. A good church will be characterized by people who love one another. See John 13:34,35.

3. Worships the Lord with a whole heart. A good church will exhibit a hearty and joyful worship toward the Lord. It may be quiet or loud (or both), but it will be genuine. A good church recognizes that God is worthy to be praised! See Psalm 100.

4. Reaches out to the lost. A healthy church will always be one where the people are encouraged to reach out to unsaved people. Almost every person who has come to the Lord has done so because someone who cared reached out to them. See Luke 14:23.

Pray and believe that God will guide you to a good church. Once you find a good place, get hooked up! One of the most important things that you need to grow healthy and strong is your faithfulness to a good local church